Who We are

PAX PRESS is a National Non-Governmental Organization registered in Rwanda with legal personality number 029/2014, with its head offices located in Gasabo district, KN 5 Rd, Kigali City, Tel: +250 0788735873, represented by Mrs. AKIMANA Juliette Latifat, Tel: +250 788 407 292 Chairperson and Legal Representative.

PAX PRESS continues to lead and influence decisions made at the national level, by constantly ensuring citizen voices are amplified and their needs, priorities and aspirations are prioritized in key policy dialogues and outcomes that have direct and indirect impact on their lives.

PAX PRESS has strategically positioned herself as a centre, organizer and facilitator of dialogues around citizen concerns, challenges, gaps in citizen participation and involvement in governance and leadership, promoting social economic justice, advocating for citizen journalism based on journalism rights, building capacity for professionalism journalism, viability and sustainable media in Rwanda and build the specialization of Journalists in different sectors.This book shows mankind’s beautiful vision of the future.

PAX PRESS affirms these values built on commitment to uphold fairness, integrity, honesty, professionalism and transparency in conducting all internal and external affairs/operations, and being responsive to preventing, detecting, reporting, investigating and remedying any misconduct in the workplace.


Professional journalism as cornerstone for a peaceful society where citizen’s opinion is fully respected


Striving towards professional journalism and media houses for enhanced social justice, peaceful cohabitation, citizen participation, conflict-sensitive media and creation of space for dialogue.


  • To build the capacity of journalists to enhance a culture of tolerance, peaceful cohabitation, acceptance of opinions, accountability and social justice through media.
  • To stimulate social responsibility among journalists and media houses to monitor public policy processes, programs and fight all forms of injustice in Rwanda;
  • To promote freedom of expression, and accountability among duty bearers and claim holders through the creation of space of dialogue;
  • To strengthen citizens’ participation in public policies and programs formulation, implementation and evaluation processes.
  • To contribute to the Professionalization, viability, and sustainability of the media in Rwanda

Values and Meaning

Integrity: Professionalism, moral uprightness, honesty, incorruptibility and trustworthiness

Accountability: Willing to take responsibility, ownership of actions, and results.

Transparency: Engagement with other stakeholders and partners has to be open, professional and participatory.

Equity:  Promotion of inclusiveness and social justice for all will be the guiding principle in work and operations.

The Governance of Organization

The PAX PRESS governance is structured into four organs: the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Conflict resolution Committee and the Internal audit committee which is technically supported by the National Coordinator in charge of daily execution of activities, coordination and management of the organization.

General Assembly: The General Assembly is the supreme organ in the Organization with mandate to modify, amendment status, internal rules and regulations and other official documents, approve, elect, and dismiss the members of decisional organs, provide strategic orientations, plans, and strategies and resolves any issues raised by member’s organs.

Executive Committee: This organ is responsible for daily implementation of decisions taken by the General Assembly,  the management of the organization resources, recruitment of staff, provide relevant advice to the managerial and technical teams, report to General Assembly, and coordination of  all strategic actions implementations. In addition, it has mandate to ensure effective and efficient management of PAX PRESS’s heritage and resources.

Internal audit committee: The internal audit committee provides oversight on financial reporting process, the audit process, the organization’s system of internal controls, and compliance with laws and regulations.  In addition, it provides input and approve the written charter for the internal audit function, including periodic review and updating.

Conflict Resolution Committee: The role of the Conflict Resolution Committee is to provide education and awareness on conflict resolution, as a non-binding, and voluntary mediation process for resolving disputes involving members, staff and third parties. It maintains a comprehensive system of formal and informal dispute resolution procedures for both parties in conflict. In addition, the goal of conflict resolution is not to decide which person is right or wrong; the goal is to reach a solution that everyone can live with.

National Coordination Secretariat: The National Coordination Secretariat coordinates the work of the entire organization. It makes time-sensitive decisions through face-to-face board meetings and acts on matters regarding the Secretariat’s roles and responsibilities.

The National Coordination provides high-level administrative support and assistance to the National Coordinator   and/or other assigned leadership staff. It also Performs   clerical and administrative tasks including drafting proposal, reports, administrative letters, memos, invoices, reports, and other documents for senior staff.

The National Coordination organ facilitates the functionalities of PAX PRESS through decisional Organs, enchances    partnership with stakeholders; techncial and financial partners, and maintains and facilitates good relationship between PAXPRESS members and the leadership.

The Coordination organ is under National Coordinator, a professional who is responsible for supervising the day-to-day operations of a organization by following a set of policies and guidelines. The coordinator collaborate with board members to ensure the overall quality of the facility and maintain inventory levels for all components and parts with the support of   Staff of PAX PRESS.

Strategic Intervention areas

PAX PRESS Organizational Chart

PAX PRESS implements its activities through four Strategic interventions areas:

  1. Strategic Intervention: Citizen’s participation, dialogue and Advocacy
  2. Journalism, Viability and Sustainable Media
  3. Peace Building and Conflict Resolution
  4. PAX PRESS International and Organization Capacity Building.

OUR Partners